The Game of the goose has begun at Northside!

The Game of the goose has begun at Northside!

Thursday, 29 September 2011

The MCR groups trip to Doorly Park...

Sinead explains what the group from the MCR got up to last Saturday...
"We went to Doorley Park. At first the kids thought we were going to the playground are and some were disappointed when they discovered it was the back Avenue and down by the river. Some asked - what was there to do? They thought they might be bored. 

After the lakeside walk, the first suggestions were they make seats and beds from the wood. After their rest, they became very industrious, designing and building, experimenting with pieces and materials. When we ran out of wood, they improvised and searched for available materials and integrated these into their work in various ways.

We played at the water, racing twigs at the bridge and in the lake. We saw swans and cygnets, gathered acorns, pine cones and leaves, identified trees, made fishing rods from old branches, carved letters in the gravel, built bridges over the water as well as making temporary sculptures from the wood.

Utilising tree stumps that were already in the park - Bryan built a bridge.
Callum and Bradley made a bed from the wood, a pillow from the box we carried the wood in, a headboard from found branches and sticks, decorated it with leaves and added a foot-rest using our empty drink bottles. 
Some of the girls worked together and created a hotel for birds. They built a nest and restaurant from sticks, stones and leaves. They used the wood to make steps up to an elevated hang-out area where the birds can relax and meet."

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